Active Time
30 min
Inactive Time
45 min
Total Time
75 min
Dreyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream or Edy's® Mint Chocolate chip ice cream
Chocolate mint fudge cookies, crushed
A muffin pan
Cupcake liners
Chocolate chips
Heavy cream
Place cupcake wrappers inside the muffin pan. Crush the chocolate mint cookies and sprinkle a layer into the bottom of each cupcake wrapper. Top with a layer of Dreyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream or Edy's® Mint Chocolate chip ice cream.
Combine a handful of chocolate chips and splash of the cream in a small saucepan and heat until melted. Add more chocolate or cream to taste, as desired. Stir the sauce and pour a layer onto each ice cream cup.
Place in the freezer to harden for a few minutes before serving.